Category: Mi Familia

Oct 27

Halloween Scramble

I owe my love for Halloween to my mom-she would make popcorn balls, caramel apples, carve pumpkins with us, decorate the house, and even make our costumes each year. Now that I have my own household, family, job, and business, too – I wonder how she did it all.

Are you and your little ones ready for Halloween? We’ll be scrambling this weekend to decorate the front door (better late than never), unpack and set out the modest Halloween decor we still have stored, and get treats ready for Halloween. I’m hoping to finally make and decorate some sugar cookies with some Halloween cookie cutters I procured a decade ago. Each year I want to do this or do that for Halloween but it just doesn’t happen-and that’s okay. I almost succumbed to not having a costume for our baby’s first Halloween last year.  I knew I would regret that, so, in just a couple hours the night before Halloween using a pattern from an old issue of a Martha Stewart Kids magazine, I made a fish costume for the baby.  It came out pretty cute if I may say so myself!  Tip: If you need to enlarge a pattern, use wrapping paper that has 1×1 grids on the back–buy a bunch on sale after the holidays.  

On that note, we’ll be having a Halloween Costume Contest on Wed., Oct. 31st at 5pm for children ages 0-12. Kindly let us know if your little one will be participating by commenting below, via our website, FB, or calling 956-968-READ so we may have enough treats for all! Hope to see you and yours then!



Nov 05

A New Season…

One of the wonderful things about living in the Rio Grande Valley is the mild Fall and Winter weather we have. (Winter Texans and other out-of-towners are often amused with how some of us natives bundle up with the slightest cold front. ) Our climate offers a longer growing season-so, while our neighbors to the north are harvesting the last of their crops, we’ve  just begun.

We went this morning to visit our friends’ farm, Sunrise Farm-CSA in Donna. They have such a wonderful thing going. If you aren’t familiar with Community Supported Agriculture, you can read a little more about it here.  If you and your family haven’t had a chance to visit any of the local farmers markets that have sprung up around the Valley lately, you really should give them a try. I am thrilled that there will be a weekly farmers market in Weslaco on Thursday evenings beginning on November 17th.

Have you planted a garden with your family? What are you growing? I wasn’t able to start and maintain a garden last year with the pregnancy and all,  but I hope to give container gardening and square foot gardening a try this year. If you are looking for a book to get your garden started, we have a few suggestions and can order the book you need. We have a few books and items to get your little one excited about growing and eating their vegetables, too!

We have some changes cropping up at our shop. We are in the midst of expanding to make room for more merchandise, classes & workshops, and an area indoor parties.

I know I’ve been quiet lately and haven’t blogged much in quite some time. My family and I  appreciate your continued support of our local and independent children’s bookshop & boutique. We’re celebrating our 10th year and we wouldn’t have made it without you. I hope to see you and yours in the shop soon! Take care and till then…



Apr 18

April Already?

I cannot believe it’s April already–the last year has been a blur and more so now with the arrival of our littlest one in late January. It truly has been crazy but it’s been worth it! More new baby details later…

We went over to mother’s house this evening so the grand kids could dye eggs. Things got a little messy but they had fun. Ela and I will be dying some more eggs later this week with some recipes/instructions I’ve been meaning to try.

Anyhow, before the Easter comes and goes I want to giveaway a poster signed by Jan Brett. Leave a comment sharing what you like about Easter and you’ll be entered to win…best of luck! Deadline to enter is Saturday, April 23, 2011  at 11:59pm. Winner will need to pick up poster within 2 weeks at the shop. Take care and till then…

Comments are now closed…congratulations to Oralia!


Mar 31

The cakes are cooling and it’s not even midnight…

My does time fly with my hectic schedule. Today was one of those days…school, leave lunch for my sis, return to work, staff meeting, pick-up Ela, wrap things up at the shop for the day (including getting some important info for a client and booking an in-store book fair),  hurry home to prep stuff for church, load the car with help, unload the car alone at church trying not to damage my already wrapped hand/wrist, teach the girls in my youth group to applique, pack the car up with help, head to the grocery store for cake mix (Ela wants to take a cake to school tomorrow), start to make cake only to realize I’m short one egg, return to grocery store, wait and wait and wait in the “Express Lane” (can people not count? 10 items or less, not more, LESS), return home, carefully crack eggs to make some cascarones for Easter, blend all ingredients slowly for 30 seconds then on medium for 4 minutes, split batter into 2 glass baking dishes, set in oven, nuke a probably-very-unhealthy-MSG-laden-Asian-meal-I-found-for-less-than-90-cents-on-my-second-run-to-the-market, eat, read, eat, read, what’s that smell?, take the cake out before the timer goes off because the cakes look beyond golden, set the cakes to cool, realize I should blog my crazy day because most days are like this and this is why I haven’t blogged in quite some time. But that’s okay, because it just turned 12:00am on my digital alarm clock and I’ve got this post done and the cakes are cooling, ready to be frosted in the morning.  Ela will be so happy.


Jan 21

Time Tested Beauty Tips

Girls Book of GlamourOne of the books we gave our daughter for Christmas was The Girls’ Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being a Goddess (Scholastic, $9.99). Ela hasn’t put it down.

She’s been organizing her bedroom and even set up “a salon.” She must have gotten that idea from page 76, “How to Create Your Own Dressing Table.”  When I asked if she could paint my nails, she told me I needed to make an appointment. I only wonder how much she’s going to charge.

When I was picking at a pimple on my face the other day, she told me I shouldn’t do that, referring to page 25, “How to Deal with Zits.”

Two days ago, she came home from school with tights that she borrowed from a friend– she must have read page 22, “How to Persuade Your Best Friend to Lend You Her Clothes.”

At the moment she’s begging for some sunglasses–for she’s reading, “How to Convince People You’re a Celebrity.” It must also explain why she transferred the items in her book bag to this frilly one.Frilly Bag

There are more than ninety other “fabulous things you need to know” in this well priced hardcover. But buyer beware, you may discover your grooming essentials have gone missing and your preteen may suddenly begin pleading for beauty products she’s not old enough for.  Nevertheless, the tips in the book are lots of fun.  The Girls’ Book of Glamour has opened up a great dialogue between my daughter and I about caring for oneself and true beauty.

Here are some time tested beauty tips (author unknown):

  • For attractive lips, speak words of kindness
  • For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people
  • For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry
  • For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day
  • For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone


Jan 04

Are we poor?

ElaParkCity2009After picking up our daughter from the airport this evening (she had been visiting her dad since the day after Christmas), we headed to the grocery store to buy a few things I needed to fix dinner.  Of course I was totally tempted a few moments beforehand to eat out but I remembered that I need to stick to the plan…the plan being to “avoid-eating-out-unless-we-utterly-have-to-and-if-we-have-to-we-must-eat-local-this-year” (local meaning eating out at mom & pop owned establishments only). Yeah, I’m on a self-debt-destruction campaign–more about that some other time.

Anyhow, we’re in the checkout lane when my daughter totally freaks out with all the food the family in the next lane was purchasing. When I glanced over to see what she was talking about, I could see this mound of food with a subtotal of over $230 and accruing.  She asked me, “Why don’t we ever buy that much food?” Rather than hush her for not being polite, I asked her quietly to see how many were in the family. Way more than our party of 3.

In the car on the way home, she asks, “Are we poor?”  She was still mulling over the checkout experience. I explained to her that larger families need more food because there are more mouths to feed. Our family is small so we don’t need as much food. Then she started to rattle off “indicators” of our “poorness”.  My husband and I explained to her that we may not have lots of things or the types of outings she has when she visits her father; nevertheless, we have everything we need and a whole lot more…most of all we’re happy, loved, and healthy. With that, she was content/satisfied.

Growing up, my family had very humble beginnings. I wouldn’t trade those humble beginnings for all the wealth in the world. Our most happiest moments were those few years when my parents were starting their photography business. We lived in the back of their photography studio for about 6 years. My sisters and I had a slumber party every night making tents with the tripods and lighting stands (I’ll post a picture or two once I scan some).

I am grateful my daughter has the opportunities to experience things and travel to various locales with her father; perhaps at times she may think “we’re poor”, I know that one day she will know she is truly blessed.


Jan 02

Food & Fun

These last few days have been great…I’ve been able to rest, spend quality time with my husband, set goals, and get organized.  For one who works a bunch, one day off is great…I’ve been off since Christmas Eve and it has been wonderful!  I was able to attend the Harlingen Farmers Market today…it was pleasant and fun!Farmers Market Purchase We picked up some cute (and good tasting) carrots, mixed greens, spinach, cilantro, and orange blossom honey-my favorite!  This was their 4th event, which takes place each Saturday from 3-5pm. I recommend getting there early…some items go pretty fast.


After our “excursion” we headed back to Weslaco and enjoyed tostadas, fresh squeezed lemonade, and Zumba! Thanks c&m, we had a great time!


Nov 26

Thanksgiving Fun

IMG_0203_GingerbreadHouseConstructionAfter our Thanksgiving feast, the kids made gingerbread houses. Thank you, Aunt Mindy, for bringing all the sweets and getting the little ones in the holiday spirit! I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!


Oct 06

Be happy and keep going…

My, does time fly by! I have a lot of catching up to do and plenty of photos to post…end of summer trip, back to school, Ela’s b-day party, shop getting flooded, cleaning up, more rain in the shop, author events (3 in less than a week with a total of 9 visiting authors), a wonderful gift from my love, and more.

September was indeed an adventure for us…trying at times, but I am so grateful for my family and friends that lent a hand during the inconvenience. Like I’ve come to learn, one can choose how to react in whatever situation.

As I was driving to survey the flood damage (about two weekends ago), I kept repeating to myself and my daughter, “They’re just things…they can be replaced…” Yes, it was a bit discouraging to see all that water in  the shop. Fortunately we didn’t lose too much inventory.  After we were done cleaning for the night, I needed to take my wonderful and helpful aunt who had stopped by to help home.  I was walking around my car to take some of her belongings in when I slipped and fell completely on my back in mud.  I was looking straight up to the heavens and thought, “[After all that has happened at the shop tonight,] this cannot be happening.” It was one of those moments where I didn’t know if I should cry or laugh. I laughed. Some tears welled up, but ultimately I laughed.  I laughed some more with my husband once I got home and shed a couple more tears as he helped me clean up.  What a blessing he is in my life…I love you, Juan.

I’m grateful to say things are pretty much back to “normal.” Now I need to make time to decorate the house for Halloween–my favorite holiday. Be happy and keep going, my friends! Take care and till then…


Aug 22

Bake Sale & Something New for My Blog


Our bake sale was a success! Our humble bake sale raised $87.75 in 3 hours! Many thanks to all who stopped by and supported the cause:  Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale .


Special thanks to a great customer, Mayra, and her daughter for baking some extra goodies and volunteering their Saturday to help out during the entire bake sale.  It was extremely hot out there today; nevertheless, we had a good time and it was well worth it.

My little one made this sign…


Please donate to the cause by clicking here. Funds received from donations and bake sales are granted to organizations in communities across America that provide low income children with nutritious meals when they’re needed most—during the summer and after-school. Your support helps Share Our Strength’s efforts to make sure that no child in America grows up hungry.

Something New for My Blog: My Day

From time to time I will be posting “My Day” at the end of posts–quite simply a rundown of my day for those who have asked and wonder how I manage as wife, mother, educator, bookseller, shop owner, domestic diva, sewing enthusiast, and more.  I must admit that when I take stock of my days…I even wonder how it all gets done.  From here on out on my blog, I plan to share ideas, tricks, tips, and things I do to manage my wonderful but crazy-at-times life.

My day, 22 August 2009:  Began battle w/alarm clock at 6:20am; quick trip to grocery store; dropped ela off at piano at 8:45am; made a batch of rice crispy treats for bake sale; left for my piano lesson at 9:15; hubby opened shop; returned home, made a batch of cupcakes and mini-poundcakes;  I arrived at shop; set up/ran bake sale in what felt like a million degree heat with new friend and our daughters; closed shop; my family worked together to trim tree in the front yard; went for raspas (sno-cones) and enjoyed them on front porch; had family visit; quick errand; blogging…

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