Category: Mi Familia

Aug 08

A year ago tonight…


…on 08.08.08 at the Villa de Cortez, my husband and I celebrated our marriage with a wonderful wedding reception with family and friends. We were married a few weeks earlier in the San Antonio Temple.  Here is a little peek into our celebration…


All our floral centerpieces were set atop a stack of  vintage books surrounded by amber votives.


Our guest book table.

The photo bookmark favors were a surprise from my parents who are professional photographers…they photographed our wedding day photos in San Antonio.  A photographer friend of mine photographed our reception photos so my parents could enjoy the evening.  We had fabric squares and fabric markers available so guests could write a message…they will be part of the backing of a quilt that is in the works. Hopefully I will get that done by our 10th anniversary–I have nine years now…


Our Wedding Cake



We danced all night.

Here are some photos and some details from our wedding day in San Antonio a few weeks before our reception…


My mother made my wedding dress and my daughter’s wedding day dress and reception dress. Believe it or not, my bouquet and my daughter’s pomander ball cost more than the price of the fabric for my wedding dress! My florist in San Antonio was great–we were able to work everything out via e-mail & phone.  They used the fabric I shipped them to wrap the bouquet and other accessories.  She even helped me find a hair stylist who was willing to do my hair before the crack of dawn.


Together Forever…


After the marriage ceremony, we had a lunch at El Jarro.  I’m wearing a sheath my mother made with leftover fabric and lace.  Our actual wedding day cake was a delicious fruit topped cake from H-E-B which the small wedding party had no problem scarfing down since we had no choice but to eat it all since we were away from home.   My little one wasn’t too happy after this photo once she discovered she wasn’t  staying in San Antonio with us.

Indeed, I’ve had much to celebrate this season–our first wedding anniversary and the 8th anniversary of my business.  As with all celebrations, there is gratitude–I am grateful for my patient husband, my precocious little one, my ever supportive family, and all my wonderful friends and customers that have supported my business all these years. Above all,  I am grateful for my Father in Heaven for all my blessings.

If you’re planning a wedding these were some of my resources…Fabric, Dos Rios, McAllen;   Reception Venue, Villa de Cortez, Weslaco;   Reception Flowers,  Something Special, Weslaco;   Vintage books, Friends of the Weslaco Public Library Bookstore;   Votives, Jamali Garden;  Reception Cake, Ybarra’s, Weslaco;   DJ, Jump & Party, Brownsville;   Reception Caterer, Oyoque’s, Mercedes;   Wedding Announcements, Wedding Paper Divas;   San Antonio Wedding Portraits by my mom & dad, Cuadra’s Fine Photography, Mercedes.


Jul 24

Pioneer Day

Supplies for Bonnet Today is Pioneer Day in my church…a day to remember the sacrifices early church members made on their trek across the plains to Utah.  Tomorrow, we’ll be having a celebration at our local chapel so I am making my little one a pioneer outfit–bonnet, dress, apron, and all. When I was her age, my mother did the same for me. Ela's Bonnet

I needed some bias tape to make the bonnet and fortunately my mother had some matching tape in her stash–can you believe this was originally purchased for  25 cents! I even used thread that was on a wooden spool that had belonged to my grandmother to complete the project. I felt a wonderful connection to my heritage as I was sewing this outfit…and although I may not have literal pioneer heritage, I am eternally grateful for the legacy of the early Saints. You can read more about the pioneers here.


Apr 17

National Library Week

Ela & Her Best Friend as Fancy Nancy It’s National Library Week!  Thanks to all librarian’s everywhere for doing what you do!

Growing up, the public library was my most favorite place to go. The library was around the corner and 2 blocks down from my parent’s photography studio. I loved the walk…especially returning with a bag full of books.

I walked with my daughter to this same library so she could get her first library card a couple years ago.

Here’s a picture of my little one with her very best friend. They both dressed up as Fancy Nancy for “Dress Like Your Favorite Book Character Day” at school today.  Thanks to our school library staff for all the great activities you carried out this week and especially for instilling the love of reading to all our students, all year around.


Apr 14

Gone Fishing & Giveaway Winner!

3488179882_b0c1a6fdc3_m I had a great holiday weekend. On Friday, we went to Port Isabel to go fishing. We were out there for over 8 hours!  Here is a pic of me and my “big” catch!  I hope you and yours had a memorable weekend as well.

Congratulations to our sole commentator of our first giveaway.

More giveaways soon!

Take care and till then…S


Apr 02

Salsa Making Contest – Texas Onion Fest 2009

Kudos to my little one!  Ela’s homemade salsa concoction took 1st Place in the Youth Division of the Texas Onion Fest’s Salsa Making Contest. This is her second year participating (she took 2nd last year). Her winning recipe will be posted on the festival’s website soon.

Ela, Her Trophy, & Her Salsa

After my staff meeting, we made a brief stop at the shop, then rushed home quickly to create our salsas. I laid out a variety of ingredients on the kitchen counter and she selected the ones she wanted to include in her salsa. With only 45 minutes left to finish our entries and get to the contest site, Juan called me that I needed to get to the shop because a client needed to see me. So we stopped what we were doing, left to the store, and Juan immediately returned to the house so Ela could finish the salsa.  When my parents arrived at our home to accompany us to the event, my mom said Gabriela’s eyes were all watery due to the onion & jalepeno. After wrapping things up at the shop, I got home with just enough time to type up the recipes and get to the event. It was a hectic evening, but tons of fun!


Jan 11

Time for bed…

Things are back in full swing at school and at the shop.  Surprisingly, Gabriela (my daughter) didn’t have a hard time readjusting to the school routine after the two-week holiday break. School was great this past week.

Ela was a good helper at the shop on Saturday.  She contributed to the window display and  picked out a title for an upcoming storytime.

I was able to sew some yesterday and bake brownies for my husband. I had a wonderful weekend. Now it’s time for bed…


Jan 02

Hello World!

Welcome to my blog. This is my first post. I am so happy to have a forum to share my life and livelihood with my family, friends, wonderful customers, and fellow colleagues. More posts coming soon!

BTW my daughter comes home today! Hurray! She’s been visiting her father for the holidays since December 19th. I’ll be closing the shop a bit early to pick her up at the airport. Although she has been flying to visit with her father since she was 2, her return flight home will be her first solo flight. (She’s now 8.) She had actually called earlier this afternoon and said, “Mom, can I come home on the plane by myself? I want to. My suitcase is ready, too.” I miss her so much! I can’t wait to see her. Take care and till then…


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