Category: Cooking

Mar 31

The cakes are cooling and it’s not even midnight…

My does time fly with my hectic schedule. Today was one of those days…school, leave lunch for my sis, return to work, staff meeting, pick-up Ela, wrap things up at the shop for the day (including getting some important info for a client and booking an in-store book fair),  hurry home to prep stuff for church, load the car with help, unload the car alone at church trying not to damage my already wrapped hand/wrist, teach the girls in my youth group to applique, pack the car up with help, head to the grocery store for cake mix (Ela wants to take a cake to school tomorrow), start to make cake only to realize I’m short one egg, return to grocery store, wait and wait and wait in the “Express Lane” (can people not count? 10 items or less, not more, LESS), return home, carefully crack eggs to make some cascarones for Easter, blend all ingredients slowly for 30 seconds then on medium for 4 minutes, split batter into 2 glass baking dishes, set in oven, nuke a probably-very-unhealthy-MSG-laden-Asian-meal-I-found-for-less-than-90-cents-on-my-second-run-to-the-market, eat, read, eat, read, what’s that smell?, take the cake out before the timer goes off because the cakes look beyond golden, set the cakes to cool, realize I should blog my crazy day because most days are like this and this is why I haven’t blogged in quite some time. But that’s okay, because it just turned 12:00am on my digital alarm clock and I’ve got this post done and the cakes are cooling, ready to be frosted in the morning.  Ela will be so happy.


Jan 02

Food & Fun

These last few days have been great…I’ve been able to rest, spend quality time with my husband, set goals, and get organized.  For one who works a bunch, one day off is great…I’ve been off since Christmas Eve and it has been wonderful!  I was able to attend the Harlingen Farmers Market today…it was pleasant and fun!Farmers Market Purchase We picked up some cute (and good tasting) carrots, mixed greens, spinach, cilantro, and orange blossom honey-my favorite!  This was their 4th event, which takes place each Saturday from 3-5pm. I recommend getting there early…some items go pretty fast.


After our “excursion” we headed back to Weslaco and enjoyed tostadas, fresh squeezed lemonade, and Zumba! Thanks c&m, we had a great time!

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