Archive for July, 2009

Jul 24

Pioneer Day

Supplies for Bonnet Today is Pioneer Day in my church…a day to remember the sacrifices early church members made on their trek across the plains to Utah.  Tomorrow, we’ll be having a celebration at our local chapel so I am making my little one a pioneer outfit–bonnet, dress, apron, and all. When I was her age, my mother did the same for me. Ela's Bonnet

I needed some bias tape to make the bonnet and fortunately my mother had some matching tape in her stash–can you believe this was originally purchased for  25 cents! I even used thread that was on a wooden spool that had belonged to my grandmother to complete the project. I felt a wonderful connection to my heritage as I was sewing this outfit…and although I may not have literal pioneer heritage, I am eternally grateful for the legacy of the early Saints. You can read more about the pioneers here.


Jul 23

Look what’s coming out in October!

Make note, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days – Book 4, comes out October 12th! Take a look at the  cover art which was revealed today by author Jeff Kinney.

If you didn’t know, Jeff is also the creator of–”a virtual online world in which kids can travel, play games, customize their character, compete in head-to-head competition, and communicate safely with each other.”  My daughter enjoys playing on this site–I must admit, I’ve gotten caught up in it as well when I tell her it’s time to log off.


Jul 20

Be GREEN–Shop our indie bookshop!

As an indie bookseller and an eco-warrior, I just had to embed this funny  video…

…thanks to The Regulator Bookshop in Durham, NC for creating it.  Don’t forget, love your local–shop Weslaco Indie Businesses!


Jul 15

We’re 8!

My humble children’s bookshop is celebrating it’s 8th year in business this week. Although our ribbon cutting was in August 2001, our doors were open a month prior to the ceremony.  Anyhow, a BIG THANK YOU  to all my customers who have supported my business all these years.  We hope to continue to serve you, your family, and the community for many more happy days to come!


Jul 02

Celebrate Your Independents!

After numerous calls, meeting & greeting fellow local indie business owners, I finally have a definitive list of all those participating in this coming week’s celebration.  Everyone participating is super excited about this and I am so grateful for all their support.  There is still lots to do so I’ll keep this post brief…

I have set up a website for the Love Your Local initiative for our wonderful community of Weslaco.  Information for the Celebrate Your Independents Week and participating businesses (as well as supporters) will be posted there, too. Find the website here.

One final note, I was out in the “blogosphere” this evening and came across  this post by author April H. Wayland.  I was fortunate to meet April a few years back when she was in the area for a book signing.  Many thanks April, for spreading the word about buying local & supporting indie bookshops.

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