Archive for October, 2009

Oct 06

Be happy and keep going…

My, does time fly by! I have a lot of catching up to do and plenty of photos to post…end of summer trip, back to school, Ela’s b-day party, shop getting flooded, cleaning up, more rain in the shop, author events (3 in less than a week with a total of 9 visiting authors), a wonderful gift from my love, and more.

September was indeed an adventure for us…trying at times, but I am so grateful for my family and friends that lent a hand during the inconvenience. Like I’ve come to learn, one can choose how to react in whatever situation.

As I was driving to survey the flood damage (about two weekends ago), I kept repeating to myself and my daughter, “They’re just things…they can be replaced…” Yes, it was a bit discouraging to see all that water in  the shop. Fortunately we didn’t lose too much inventory.  After we were done cleaning for the night, I needed to take my wonderful and helpful aunt who had stopped by to help home.  I was walking around my car to take some of her belongings in when I slipped and fell completely on my back in mud.  I was looking straight up to the heavens and thought, “[After all that has happened at the shop tonight,] this cannot be happening.” It was one of those moments where I didn’t know if I should cry or laugh. I laughed. Some tears welled up, but ultimately I laughed.  I laughed some more with my husband once I got home and shed a couple more tears as he helped me clean up.  What a blessing he is in my life…I love you, Juan.

I’m grateful to say things are pretty much back to “normal.” Now I need to make time to decorate the house for Halloween–my favorite holiday. Be happy and keep going, my friends! Take care and till then…

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