Apr 18

April Already?

I cannot believe it’s April already–the last year has been a blur and more so now with the arrival of our littlest one in late January. It truly has been crazy but it’s been worth it! More new baby details later…

We went over to mother’s house this evening so the grand kids could dye eggs. Things got a little messy but they had fun. Ela and I will be dying some more eggs later this week with some recipes/instructions I’ve been meaning to try.

Anyhow, before the Easter comes and goes I want to giveaway a poster signed by Jan Brett. Leave a comment sharing what you like about Easter and you’ll be entered to win…best of luck! Deadline to enter is Saturday, April 23, 2011  at 11:59pm. Winner will need to pick up poster within 2 weeks at the shop. Take care and till then…

Comments are now closed…congratulations to Oralia!

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  1. cynthia says:

    Easter always brings back memories of my childhood. It was the one time that my mother would buy me a new dress, an easter dress. Every year I say that I am going to buy myself an easter dress but I still haven’t. Maybe someday I will pass the tradition of the “easter dress”.

  2. Oralia says:

    Easter has always been an important part of our family’s tradition from celebrating morning Mass to cracking cascarones at our annual picnic.
    This special day brings back many memories of happy times and sad times too since it was my father’ favorite day. Sadly, he passed 13 years ago but the fond memories will stay with us forever.

  3. Joe C. says:

    Easter is a time for us to worship the our risen Savior, Jesus Christ. I know that with out Him we would not be where we are today. But Easter also is a time to spend time with family and friends. We may not pause enough during the work week, but for the next four days we take time for God, family and friends. Happy Easter!

  4. Belinda G. says:

    Easter is just a time that we should be so thankful and feel blessed to be surrounded by our family and loved ones. its the one time of the year other than Christmas where we can dress up in our Sunday’s best and have a nice photo opp with your best dress on..:-) lots of memories with easter egg hunts and coloring eggs together, just excited to pass that tradition on to my little one.. who is growing too fast for my taste.. but tradition is something so important to have in a family.. whatever it may be.. just something to pass down for generations to come..

  5. amparo g. says:

    I just dyed easter eggs with the kids in my class, I dont want the tradition to end. I love Jan Brett and did not realize she had an Easter book, I will have to go get it.