Jan 02

Hello World!

Welcome to my blog. This is my first post. I am so happy to have a forum to share my life and livelihood with my family, friends, wonderful customers, and fellow colleagues. More posts coming soon!

BTW my daughter comes home today! Hurray! She’s been visiting her father for the holidays since December 19th. I’ll be closing the shop a bit early to pick her up at the airport. Although she has been flying to visit with her father since she was 2, her return flight home will be her first solo flight. (She’s now 8.) She had actually called earlier this afternoon and said, “Mom, can I come home on the plane by myself? I want to. My suitcase is ready, too.” I miss her so much! I can’t wait to see her. Take care and till then…


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1 comment!

  1. Ana Cavazos says:

    Hi Sarah,

    It’s grerat to hear from you!!! May you and your family have a great new year and I will be stopping by with my kids for one of your Saturday story days. See you soon!!!!

