Jul 24

Pioneer Day

Supplies for Bonnet Today is Pioneer Day in my church…a day to remember the sacrifices early church members made on their trek across the plains to Utah.  Tomorrow, we’ll be having a celebration at our local chapel so I am making my little one a pioneer outfit–bonnet, dress, apron, and all. When I was her age, my mother did the same for me. Ela's Bonnet

I needed some bias tape to make the bonnet and fortunately my mother had some matching tape in her stash–can you believe this was originally purchased for  25 cents! I even used thread that was on a wooden spool that had belonged to my grandmother to complete the project. I felt a wonderful connection to my heritage as I was sewing this outfit…and although I may not have literal pioneer heritage, I am eternally grateful for the legacy of the early Saints. You can read more about the pioneers here.

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