Jan 21

Time Tested Beauty Tips

Girls Book of GlamourOne of the books we gave our daughter for Christmas was The Girls’ Book of Glamour: A Guide to Being a Goddess (Scholastic, $9.99). Ela hasn’t put it down.

She’s been organizing her bedroom and even set up “a salon.” She must have gotten that idea from page 76, “How to Create Your Own Dressing Table.”  When I asked if she could paint my nails, she told me I needed to make an appointment. I only wonder how much she’s going to charge.

When I was picking at a pimple on my face the other day, she told me I shouldn’t do that, referring to page 25, “How to Deal with Zits.”

Two days ago, she came home from school with tights that she borrowed from a friend– she must have read page 22, “How to Persuade Your Best Friend to Lend You Her Clothes.”

At the moment she’s begging for some sunglasses–for she’s reading, “How to Convince People You’re a Celebrity.” It must also explain why she transferred the items in her book bag to this frilly one.Frilly Bag

There are more than ninety other “fabulous things you need to know” in this well priced hardcover. But buyer beware, you may discover your grooming essentials have gone missing and your preteen may suddenly begin pleading for beauty products she’s not old enough for.  Nevertheless, the tips in the book are lots of fun.  The Girls’ Book of Glamour has opened up a great dialogue between my daughter and I about caring for oneself and true beauty.

Here are some time tested beauty tips (author unknown):

  • For attractive lips, speak words of kindness
  • For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people
  • For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry
  • For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day
  • For poise, walk with the knowledge you’ll never walk alone
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