Apr 02

Salsa Making Contest – Texas Onion Fest 2009

Kudos to my little one!  Ela’s homemade salsa concoction took 1st Place in the Youth Division of the Texas Onion Fest’s Salsa Making Contest. This is her second year participating (she took 2nd last year). Her winning recipe will be posted on the festival’s website soon.

Ela, Her Trophy, & Her Salsa

After my staff meeting, we made a brief stop at the shop, then rushed home quickly to create our salsas. I laid out a variety of ingredients on the kitchen counter and she selected the ones she wanted to include in her salsa. With only 45 minutes left to finish our entries and get to the contest site, Juan called me that I needed to get to the shop because a client needed to see me. So we stopped what we were doing, left to the store, and Juan immediately returned to the house so Ela could finish the salsa.  When my parents arrived at our home to accompany us to the event, my mom said Gabriela’s eyes were all watery due to the onion & jalepeno. After wrapping things up at the shop, I got home with just enough time to type up the recipes and get to the event. It was a hectic evening, but tons of fun!

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