Apr 06

Book Review – The Chosen One

The Chosen OneAs a bookseller, I receive quite a few advanced reader copies (arc’s). I must admit, it’s difficult to choose which ones to read, much less not fall behind on my selections/the ones I want to read & review.

Well, this past week I received an arc of The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams. After reading all the advanced praise printed all over the copy, I decided to set it atop my stack of “arc’s in progress” the day I received it (Tuesday, I think).

Fast-forward to ~2am Sunday morning. I had gone to bed earlier but woke up in the middle of the morning and couldn’t sleep. I reached over to my stack and picked up The Chosen One. I started reading and couldn’t stop. I didn’t stop. I read the entire book in the wee hours of the morning-it’s that good.

I realize, I’ve shared my experience of reading this book and not quite a review; but, that’s exactly what this story is–an experience–the experience of a 13- year-old girl named Kyra and her unimaginable life growing up in an isolated community where she has been chosen to marry her sixty-year-old uncle.

With that, if you choose to read this book (no pun intended), which I hope you do,  be sure to appropriate some time to read it–you won’t be able to put it down.

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